© 2005 - 2023 Blackthorns Sun Club - Permission must be sought from the webmaster to use any text or image on this website.

From left to right ~ barbeque, kiosk, clubhouse and shower block

The focus for most of the evening social events is our clubhouse. It contains plenty of seating and tables for whatever event is organised, whether it be discos, quiz nights or just get-togethers. A large kitchen caters for all appetites and is well equipped for volunteer chefs to cater for around 60 people at a time for an evening social meal which is often followed by live music or a disco.  The large communal barbeque is lit most Saturday evenings for members to cook their own food and dine together. There is a small fee towards the charcoal and cutlery & crockery can be borrowed from the kitchen. It’s a great time to get to know fellow members.

The kiosk on the patio is open weekends during the summer, to sell hot & cold drinks, crisps, chocolate, ice-creams etc.

Next to the clubhouse is the toilet & shower block where for just 20p you can enjoy a hot powerful shower, much needed after a day ‘s work around the site, playing sports or merely lazing in the pool and sunshine.  You can have a cold shower for free!

A second toilet block is located elsewhere in the grounds.

The 20' x 40' outdoor heated swimming pool and surrounding lawns are of course the focus during the warm days of the Summer. The pool is open from Easter to October and is enjoyed by young and old alike.

It is such a different experience to bathe without swimsuit or trunks.


Our sporting facilities are dealt with on a separate page, and include courts for miniten, badminton, volleyball and petanque.

We have a crazy-golf course, finska, croquet and other assorted games to play outdoors and we have darts and table tennis indoors.

The Sauna was competed in early 2010 and was a much welcomed addition to our facilities. The building that houses it was constructed from scratch by our own members and although the sauna was purchased as a kit, it still needed much work to put it together. The long British winters no longer seem so bad.

The extension to the club house was completed in 2006 and nearly doubled the area we had for entertainment.

In the construction stage we also allowed space for a disabled access toilet which includes a nappy changing unit. The fire exit next to the disabled toilet was made wide enough to accommodate wheel chair access and the addition of a wood burning stove makes for a very cosy atmosphere in the colder weather even when we don’t have an organised event.

The addition of a heat exchanger which takes the warmth from the air and transfers it to the water, ensures warmer water with greater economy. It also allows us to open the pool earlier in the season and close it later, giving us more use and extending the season.

Blackthorns is proud of the facilities it offers its members, most of which have been constructed over the years by the self same members. That doesn't mean we intend to rest there. There are ongoing improvements being made to the site all the time.

During the winter months the Kiosk on the patio is closed but you can always make yourself a hot drink in the area beside the kitchen,. On busy days the urn is used for a constant supply of hot water but there is also a kettle and a microwave to use.

There is a selection of teas & coffees; help yourself and leave the money in the dish.

When the Kiosk on the patio is closed you can still buy cans of drink, crisps and a selection of chocolate bars from the kitchen hatch.

There are usually ice creams and lollies in the fridge freezer close by.

Make your choice and leave the money in the dish.

Members donate books, cds & dvds to the club bookshelf and all we ask is a donation to club funds to borrow or keep any of them.